Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Do you believe?

This might seem silly to some.

I mean, really, is there anyone who doesn't know this already?

You can't sell what you don't believe in.

Your belief in the service you sell must be concrete.

There can be no doubt in your prospect's mind.

If they sense any doubt they're going to tell you they need to "think about it."

So maybe you do believe in yourself and the training you provide.

But what about other products or services you offer?

Do you have trouble upselling clients on things that will help them with their efforts?

If you have nothing but confidence in your recommendations then your clients will listen.

Or perhaps you do believe in what you recommend but you just have issues with money.

You have trouble earning a profit off of a recommendation.

You have a deep-rooted belief that money is evil.

You might not be conscious of it, but it's there.

And it's keeping you from being as profitbale as you could be.

Oh, and your fear isn't doing your clients any good either.

Just something to think about.

Don't worry, I still love ya ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- I've give you an example to work with. If you run Fitness Boot Camps and want tons and tons of great workouts, games and ideas then you need to buy Jerry Hill's ebook. Period.

Boot Camp Workouts

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