Thursday, March 01, 2007

Do you belong?

Last week I wrote some marketing tips for Boot Camps.

One of them was how important it is to build a sense of community.


Because people, myself included, like to feel they are a part of something.

They like to feel like they belong to a unique community that not just anyone can be a part of.

That's how it is where I train. Check it out at:

Really take a look at the site. Take a good hard look at how they do a terrific job of building a sense of community with their site.

It's in a blog style format. Each day there is a diffenent workout and I go to find out what it is and to see the comments of the clients who have gone through it earlier in the day.

So not only do they do a great job of using the site to build the Sonz community in Jupiter, FL, but the site also does a great job of marketing their facility.

Do you think the people who go through these brutal workouts - and believe me, they are brutal - don't brag to their friends and tell them to look at the site?

Do you think that might result in some new clients?

So, how are you buidling a sense of community with your clients? Do they feel a part of something? What are they telling their friends about you? How are you using technology to make your marketing efforts easier?

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- Pat Rigsby and Alwyn Cosgrove are making you an offer on their Ultimate Fitness Professional's Business Success System.

It would be wise to take them up on it.

Here's the deal:

Free shipping on the Ultimate Fitness Professional's Business Success System Free copy of Fitness Riches (valued at $49) Free copy of The Referral Manual (valued at $27)

PPS- Oh yeah, this deal ends at noon EST this Saturday.
© Achieve Total Fitness, Inc 2007

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