Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How to use your personality

"How to use your personality"
Brought to you by: http://www.howtogetmoreclients.com/

The other day I did a coaching session with a fitness pro who has a different personality than mine. He didn't feel comfortable saying things the way I say them in http://www.howtogetmoreclients.com/

100% cool with me.

When I get passionate and worked up about something I tend to get very serious and a bit in your face. I don't intend it to be mean or offensive in anyway.

It is meant to get people to take action and better themselves.

One of my favorite things to tell people, because it is effective and 100% true, is I won't take on anyone as a client who I think will make me look bad. I only work with those who will do what it takes to succeed. Period.

The coaching client felt the same way, but felt very uncomfortable saying it the way I say it.

Again, that's perfectly ok with me and I'm glad he told me.


Because he has to be himself. If he tries to sell without using his genuine personality his prospect will literally, I believe, "feel" something is "off" and he will blow his sale.

So that's why we changed the same premise around so he could say basically the same thing in his own "voice".

We came up with something like this:

"If you aren't serious about this then I simply will not allow you to waste your money. I won't take it.

This is going to take hard work and discipline and if you aren't ready to commit to that then I really don't want to see you waste your money."

I completely suck at a lot of things, but damn can I sell personal training.

Try that out on your prospects. If they are ready to go you have a sale. Period.
Could they possibly trust you more after telling them the truth like that?

There's a better way to sell personal training. http://www.howtogetmoreclients.com/

It's a whole lot easier than you think. PLUS, you can do it with complete honesty and integrity.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- $17,000 in the span of a couple days...

'Hello Jim,
Samantha Taylor here in Tampa. Just wanted to drop a line to you and tell you how much I appreciate what you do. Since I have listened to your Ultimate Sales Kit program, it literally has transformed how I FEEL about my business.

Friday I sold another $10,000 program using some of these techniques! And last week I sold a $7000 program!'

Samantha Taylor
Tampa, FL


PPS- You're not allergic to $17,000, are you? ;-)


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