Thursday, August 09, 2007

One tip that will save you SOOO much time

So what's the one tip?


I did a coaching call with one of my customers this past week and he had an interesting dilemma. It seems his reputation is rock solid in his town and he is gaining more and more exposure.

How is that a dilemma? Well, as the OWNER of his training studio he is finding that more and more people want to work with him and not the other trainers who work for him.

As a business owner he wants to be working ON his business not IN his business. He is fully aware if he just keeps taking on more new clients he'll never break the cycle.

So how should he promote himself differently?

I told him he is in a great position now. His name and reputation are rock solid.

So now all he needs to do is start educating people on the value of his training SYSTEMS and not just on the fact that he is an expert.

He needs to promote the effectiveness of his systems to everyone who will listen: his prospects, his clients, the media, those who refer to him, everybody!

That way when people contact his studio prospects will know they can train with anyone at his facility and receive the same great results!

This is a BIG TIME tip you must follow if you want to be able to grow your business, earn more money and take more time off.

You MUST have systems in place for your business. And that includes training systems!

By the way, THE systems man in the Fitness Industry, Pat Rigsby, is celebrating his 2 year wedding anniversary in a big way. Be sure to join in the fun by visiting today. You'll be glad you did.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Pat is a brilliant marketer and I assure you that you want to take advantage of this celebration. His information is top-notch and gets my complete recommendation.

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