Monday, July 30, 2007

Get BIG Publicity (And Moolah) With One Email

Can you really get BIG media exposure with one email?

Yes, you can.

Does it ALWAYS happen?


But as Wayne Gretzky said, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

The media doesn't create the news. They cover it.

And they are always looking for interesting stories, so they're more than happy to hear about one from you.

I was in NJ visiting my family at the end of June. And while I was there I saw yet ANOTHER newspaper article on Boot Camps.

Check it out here:

"Boot Camp Whips People Into Shape"

The writer participated in the camp and wrote a story about it.

Happens all the time.

And it couldn't be easier for you to invite your local media to do the same.


1- Find out who in your area covers "Better Living" kind of stories

2- Find out how to contact them

3- Contact them and invite them to come to your camp.

Pretty simple really.

And with Boot Camps it's even easier because:

A- There are lots of visuals for pictures to include with the story

B- There are lots of people to interview for the story

C- People are always interested in shedding pounds

D- It's easy for the journalist to cover because they simply write about their experience

I've written it many, many time before: Life is easy, when you let it be.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Of course, it's a lot easier when you run camps of your own.

"Hey Jim,

When I'm running my boot camp class I'm always thinking, 'what a great use of my time'. It comes out to about $210 an hour. It's a great way to start your morning!

I am planning on hiring another trainer, or doing two classes next month. Thanks for your help, and the Ultimate Boot Camp Start-up Kit CD's!"

Stephen Cooper
Fitness with Coop

PPS- Do you have any idea how much loot you're leaving on the table by NOT being a Prograde Pro? Just hand out some Prograde Cravers samples at your Boot Camp and watch the orders fly in!

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