Monday, August 27, 2007

The Secret to Email Marketing

The Secret to Email Marketing


Do I practice what I preach? You bet! I go after publicity for myself every chance I get.

And I recycle it, too.


The Secret to Email Marketing

People will tell you having a "list" is the most important thing.

I'm pretty sure I've written that in the past.

And it's super important. You must have a list.

But what you need even more is a RELATIONSHIP with your list.

Why do you think I told you I was going on vacation with my girlfriend last week?

Why do I let you know when I get back from seeing my family in New Jersey?

Why do I offer up my personal opinion on things?

Why did I call Michael Moore an idiot a couple weeks ago?

The secret is not in having a list. The secret is having a great relationship with your list.


Because people aren't just buying your products and services.

They are buying YOU.

I can send out an email on any day of the week and make moolah.

Not just because I have a list. But because I have a great relationship with my list.

And that comes from:

- Truly caring about your success

- Giving great content

- Sharing personal insights about how I am and what I stand for

That being written, wouldn't it make sense to know all of my email marketing secrets?

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

"Love the product Jim! I am so glad that you came out with this b/c it is really what I am looking for right now. I am also glad that it is straight and to the point. Having your 4 years of email marketing experience in a 48 minute audio is a steal."

Tom Gifford
State College, PA

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