Monday, January 07, 2008

I'm A Smart Guy But...

I'm A Smart Guy But...

...there's one thing I don't really understand...

Perceived Value.

Why is it you give something incredibly valuable to someone for NOTHING and they don't make the most of it?

For example, oftentimes when you offer zero-cost intro sessions to people to try your service they don't show up for their appointment.


Well, the easy answer is they didn't see value in it.

But what's the underlying reason for that?

I don't know.

I don't care.

I just know it's true.

You should FEEL the same.

It's exactly the reason I'm raising the price on my to $149 TODAY.

Since trainers add me to their newsletter list all the time - without asking me - I see the God Awful stuff they put out over and over.

The product sells great. I just think trainers don't realize just how lucrative their newsletters could be.

In fact, most have NO CLUE.

Because if they did, they'd be a LOT better.

Which gets me to thinking.

Maybe I need to raise the price a couple hundred smacks to get my point across.

Regardless of what your current newsletters look like, I still love ya.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Yup, goes up $50 for sure TODAY. Maybe even more.

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