Monday, October 10, 2005

Keeping you poor

The life of an info-entrepreneur doesn't suck. That I assure you. My alarm went off today at 8:30, but I didn't get out of bed for quite awhile. I'm a night person. I'd much rather start later in the day. Especially on Mondays. Besides, if you really look at the productive work you get done over the course of a day you could probably fit it in over a few solid hours. Plus, this way I got to go for a long, relaxing walkto clear my mind and check out all the boats docked in my neighborhood. Oh, and I got to see a couple dolphins. Not a bad way to start the week, huh?

Anyway, let's get to the moral of the story. As soon as my alarm went off the first thing out of the DJ's mouth was something like: "And then you'll always be worring about having all that money." Too funny. It's amazing how many people truly believe it would be God-awful to be rich. Why do you think millions of people trudge back and forth in their outrageous commute each day hating every minute of their jobs? Why do you think they are afraid to make a commitment to living the life of their dreams. They're too damn scared. For one reason every friggin' morning when they drive to work they are listenting to some dumbass DJ who makes $25,000 a year telling you how lousy it is to be rich because you'd be worried about your money all the time. Hah!

People who have money don't worry about money. Ask them. Poor people worry about money. Ask them.

At Ryan Lee's Boot Camp I spoke briefly about the fact that it takes courage to be rich. It takes courage to start a business that will provide you financial freedom. It takes courage to live the life YOU want to live.

Now this is not the case for everybody. Far from it. However, if you take a real close look at how the workings of your sub-conscious mind you'll be amazed at the things you've been telling yourself to keep you where you are in life. I could go on and on about this. In fact, I could write a book about it. Someday I will. But for now just realize you shouldn't be taking advice from people who aren't living their best lives. Don't associate with people whose dreams don't align with yours. And if someone ever tells you something is impossible, well, run like hell!

By the way, if you want the ultimate lifestyle and you haven't picked up my program I'll take the blame for that. I should have called it Fitness Info Success!

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- I'm off to the pool. I've got a lot of business reading to get done and since it's close to 90 degrees outside I might as well do it down there. Life is good!

PPS- I'm tellin' ya. This could be you:

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