Monday, June 19, 2006

Can you do this?

I must admit, I'm extremely excited today. I'm driving across the state of Florida to Jupiter to find a new place to live. As you may have heard, Ryan Lee and I are meeting up there to launch an entirely new business together. That in itself has me excited as h*ll! But when you add the fact that I'm going to be living within walking distance of the beach...

To live any other way would be nuts - for me anyway.

I can't possibly imagine not being an entrepreneur. I can't possibly imagine not calling my own shots. I can't possibly imagine not having the freedom to take off on a Friday afternoon to go look for places to live on the beach. I can't imagine not taking the road less travelled by.

Believe me, it wasn't always easy. I made more than my share of mistakes. I took more than my share of lumps. But with the risks come the rewards.

To me, there's no greater thrill than rolling the dice on a CALCULATED risk. That's why I don't really consider what I do 'work.' I don't want to call it a hobby. But it's just too much fun to call it 'work.' I guess you could just call it my passion. And that's what I really want for you. I want you to know this feeling - if you don't already.

Just the other day I was at a barbecue with friends. One of my buddies, who is a fellow business owner, asked me if I wanted to take off in the middle of the week and go to an amusement park. My other friends, who all have corporate jobs, all kind of laughed and rolled their eyes. I just smiled and said my favorite line, 'It's easy being me!'

So how easy is it being you?

Can you take off whenever you want? Can you just take an afternoon off so you can go on a new roller coaster? Or go see your kid in the school play?

You can live the dream. I'm living proof that a regular ole personal trainer, who was always told to get a 'real' job, can make his life into what he wants it to be. If I can do it, you can do it.

My friend and customer, Pat Rigsby, is doing it too. He used to be a high school coach. Good, honest work, right? Of course. But it wasn't providing Pat with the life he wanted to live. So instead of doing what most people do - complaining about what's missing in their life - Pat took action and made it happen for himself.

He started out like most of us did, training one-on-one. And like most of us, he quickly realized that he needed to make another change in his thinking, and fast.

Why make things hard on himself? Why not go where there is a giant pool of potential training clients already? Why not build a business that would allow him to leverage his time? Why not build a business inside an existing business where his overhead would be as low as possible?

I recently interviewed Pat and discovered something very interesting. Did you know that most personal training departments in health clubs are bleeding red ink? Health Club owners want to sell memberships. So the trainers are really just a necessary evil. To many of them anyway.

So there was Pat's answer. He started negotiating with club owners to take over their personal training departments for them. He pays a % of the gross revenue, but gets to keep a ton for himself. All the prospective training clients he could want are already in front of him. That way it's easy to book his staff of trainers full of clients.

I also came away from our interview knowing that Pat was really onto something here. He went on and on about his system for building these training businesses inside of clubs. It's brilliant. The whole thing laid out step-by-step.

Again, I've made my share of mistakes and those mistakes have truly served me well. But if I had to do it all over again, I would gladly have accepted a blueprint for success. If someone had told me what to do every time there was a bump in the road getting to this point would have been a whole lot easier.

Hey, I do not have one single regret. Not one single complaint. But I'm also not an idiot. If you have an easier way for me to do something, I'm all ears.

If you're all ears, then I highly suggest you read this next section very carefully. Pat is willing to share with you how to do exactly what he did. Create the business, and thus the life, of his dreams. He can do what he wants, when he wants. He has a steady stream of income. He's got everything systemetized. He's essentially got a business-in-a-box for you.

But this information isn't for everyone. Not even close. This is serious stuff. You have to want to make this happen. You have to want to be a TRUE business owner. This isn't the kind of thing where you get a couple of ideas and move on. This is essentially a franchise without having to pay all the royalty fees.

Look: Pat has done all the hard work for you. He's taken all the lumps. Made all the mistakes. Taken all the risks.

Do you want to reap the rewards? Are you ready to make your life easy?

If you are then check out what Pat has to offer you. It's the opportunity of a lifetime staring you right in the face.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Again, this is only for the ultra-serious only. If you want the keys to the kingdown handed over to you visit Pat at:
PPS- That new business with Ryan Lee? We just hired our Chief Financial Officer. He's got his MBA from Columbia. This is HUGE! We are NOT messing around.

PPPS - Oh, I forgot to mention, Ryan Lee and I think so highly of Pat he have made him a member of our Board of Advisors for our new company!

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