Thursday, June 08, 2006

The DaVinci Code and the Fitness Professional

Three things today:

1) I need to thank my friend Heather Picken of for this one. She let me know there's a new DaVinci Code D i e t out there. Yup, more of the same 'yo-yo' cr*p.

Yes, the movie and the book are still hot. I just watched a show on it this Sunday and I saw ads for more shows. Regardless of your feelings on the subject - love it/hate it - it is a prime publicity piggybacking opporunity for you!

I've even got the perfect headline for your press release:

'More DaVinci Code Deceit: Unscrupulous Weight-Loss Marketers Take Advantage of Book's Popularity'

It's the perfect opportunity to take a hot news topic and use it to your advantage. Plus, you can also talk about how people get duped by d i e t s like this because they are scramblig to look good at the beach.

If you'd like an entire YEAR of awesome publicity ideas handed to you on a silver platter check out

2) Another great PR idea for you. I was reading Reader's Digest one day (hey, you never know where the next great idea will come from!) and I saw a little blurb on the lamest excuses for missing work. They were compiled by

Some examples:

- I'm too drunk to drive
- My cow bit me
- I forgot I was getting married today

What a brilliant media hit for them! Reader's Digest is read by like a bazillion people.

How does that apply to you?

Are you telling me you couldn't come up with the top-ten most lame excuses why people don't want to exercise?! The media LOVES lists. The love simple 'top-ten' tidbits. You can send out a release on this. You could pitch it to local TV and radio. It's perfect for print media.

Just make sure you make it humorous. You want people to like you. You don't want them thinking you're a fitness snob! ;-)

I've got an entire year's worth of publicity waiting for you at

3) My friend and customer, Pat Rigsby has an AWESOME new ebook out called Health Club Marketing Magic. It isn't designed for Personal Trainers. It's for Clubs.

Basically, if you have a club, or a studio that is membership based, Pat's ebook will help you:

- Get more members
- Get more purchases from each member
- Get bigger purchases from each member

I love working with Pat because he is an outstanding person and as aggressive a marketer as you will find. Again, if you have a club, or a studio that is membership based, get a copy of Health Club Marketing Magic.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Amanda Vogel, a regular contributor to IDEA Fitness Journal, ACE Certified News, Health, Self and Shape, listened in on the tele-seminar. Here is what she had to say about it:

'Brilliant! Every idea in is right on target with exactly what media outlets are looking for. Follow these creative and totally doable ideas for year-round publicity and start collecting a ton more income as you also motivate the public to exercise.'

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