Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Universe Likes Speed

Think about this: 'The Universe Likes Speed'

What does that mean exactly?

Well, from my understanding you have to go under the assumption that when you have a great idea there's probably two, three or four people, at least, who've had the same idea "pop" into their head.

That means you better get your butt in gear and take action!

Two things:

1- If you didn't have the thought before, where did it suddenly come from? Personally, I believe it comes from:

- God
- Collective Consciousness
- Universal Mind

All the same thing, just depends what you want to call it. That's why you and a couple others had it "pop" into your head at the same time.

2- When you get a "great" idea you also need to take a day to contemplate it. Meditate on it. Is it truly a great idea, or is this you self-sabotaging yourself again?

It very well may be that once-in-a-lifetime idea. Just take a moment to think it through. But when you're done with that remember, the Universe likes speed!

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Wouldn't it make sense to discover the true story of how a trainer made $2.1 mill in three years?

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