Monday, June 05, 2006

More lack programming to be aware of

My thanks go out to my friend Scott Colby for making me aware of this one.

Here's what he wrote me:

"You may already have heard of this but there is a new show on NBC called Windfall, premiering June 8. It's about these friends that all win the lottery and tells how friendships are torn apart, secrets are revealed, etc. Your classic case of money is evil.

I thought this may be a good topic for your Labadie Unleashed newsletter - the programming of our subconscious mind with this lack programming. : )"

Thanks, Scott! You couldn't be more right. Yet another show to convince the masses that the green stuff is the root of all evil. Just look what it does to these poor folks!


It's funny, but the more moolah I make, the more spiritual I become. The more grateful I become. The more loving I become. The more forgiving I become.

Is it just because my bank account is bigger?


It's because I see how my prosperity consciousness has literally attracted everything I've ever wanted to me like a magnet. I know there is a stream of well-being that I am constantly in connection with and it provides me with all of my heart's desires.

Life is easy when you let it be. Ponder that for awhile.

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS - Check out and see what all the fuss is about.

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