Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ryan Lee is a BIG Friggin' Baby!

Guess what you need to do if you're going to use email as a marketing tool.

Yeah, get them to open the damn thing!

That's why I wrote 'Ryan Lee is a BIG Friggin' Baby!' I wanted to get your attention.

I wanted you wondering whether Ryan and I had a falling out already after working together for less than a month.

I assure you the answer is no. I'm having more fun than ever!

But I must admit that I got the idea for that headline because he really is a big kid. He's always joking around. Always laughing. Always busting chops. Good times.

And I personally believe it's because he's always having so much fun that he's always one step ahead of everyone else.

We go to lunch and he comes up with a 1/2 dozen more ideas for new businesses.

And most of them are sure-fire winners. It's astounding. And these are businesses completely out of the realm of fitness.

Now this might not have seemed like the most insightful email I've ever written you. But if you were paying close attention you will have found three very important gifts.

So what did you learn today?

1- Write compelling headlines to get your emails opened (How many newsletters do YOU ignore?)

2- Ideas for compelling headlines can come from anywhere, so keep your mind open

3- The more fun you have the more open your mind is to great ideas

Oh, and did I mention how mega-successful entrepreneurs become mega-wealthy?

They start with a great idea.


Ever wished you could pick the brains of the world's most successful fitness professionals? What do people like Alywn Cosgrove, Stephen Holt, Kelli Calabrese, and Craig Ballantyne all do to make their fitness businesses so profitable?

Well, if you want a truckload of great info and ideas check out what my good friend Pat Rigsby has come up with.

It's one of the best resources you'll ever find. Opportunity is knocking. Are you going to answer?

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- I know it's the dog days of summer and biz might be slow but the fall rush is coming and you need to be prepared. Here is the latest testimonial for the Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals:

"Jim gets it. When many distracted and burnt-out fitness trainers don't get it he helps the other hungry fitness professionals swallow the client base of the weak and tired. Plain and simple.
And if you haven't already purchased this kit, or any of the other business success/profit products Jim offers then guess what? You're in serious jeopardy of losing your client base too!

No joke.

Jim's Ultimate Sales Kit will guide you step by step on how to create a sale out of thin air (and I am not kidding it's practically out of thin air), how to secure the opportunity to land the sale, and how to safely secure the sale.

And even better, he'll teach you how to do all this while remaining professional, relaxed and most of all HONEST. I really have nothing else to say or add other then get it now while the gettings' good cause if you don't someone else IS GOING TO.'

Robert Belley, BS, CPT, YCS-I
Owner/Performance Director
Purely Physique; Results Training System

PPS- Have you been thinking of starting your own Fitness Boot Camp this fall? Discover how at:

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