Tuesday, November 14, 2006

How do I manage my time?

I've been asked a lot lately by trainers how I manage my time. How is it that I seem to get so much stuff done.

The answer?

I have fun.

I do what makes me happy first and foremost. And then I make my focus the things which are highest profit and lowest hassle.So that's what I told Rachel Cosgrove and Walter Lewis this Sunday.

1- Biggest love/most fun/greatest passion
2- Highest profit/lowest hassle

Basically what I am saying is I'm not the most organized person in the world. And I don't do an amazingly great job of managing my time.

Could I do better?


Would I be happier?


How do I know?

I've tried setting a strict schedule for myself and it simply makes me miserable. Anytime I feel trapped or restricted I can't stand it. It takes away my creativity and really causes me to start to dislike what I do.

Seriously think about that.

If you're not happy how creative are you going to be? And if you're starting to dislike what you love to do, well, where do you go from there?

Now I'm not saying I just do any damn fool thing I please. I always get done what needs to get done. But since my livelihood centers around my passion and creativity, if I don't feel like working...if I don't feel creative...well, I'm not going to put out anything good anyway, so why bother?

What I do make a point to do is meditate every morning and script out of my day. I write out how easy it WAS and productive it WAS. I script my future as if it has already happened. And then like magic, my day unfolds exactly as I wanted it to be.

I can also tell you, if I don't feel like working on any given day, you'll probably find me at the movies. ;-)


Oh, and another point on creativity.

Last night I was feeling a bit confused and I knew I needed some clarity.

ESPECIALLY after all the ideas and "to-do" lists I came up with this weekend at the Membership Site Boot Camp I attended. (No, I'm not starting a membership site - I was there because Ryan Lee was the co-host)

Anyway, I went to the beach last night around 9PM and just listened to the ocean. Just quieted my mind for about 20 minutes. When I was leaving I received a 13 point plan to completey change my Train and Grow Rich business. I'm going to be focusing more and more on the "heavy hitters" and those who are serious about becoming one in this industry of ours. All others need not apply. And my prices are going to reflect that.

So if you want what I got at the current price then take action now. Because I'm not giving it away much longer.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

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