Monday, March 12, 2007

One of my Biggest Public Speaking Secrets

If you aren't doing any public speaking to promote your fitness business I highy suggest you start right away. There are a ton of networking and civic organizations that meet weekly and need speakers. More than likely, you'll need to do it for free, but there's no cheaper or faster way to grow your client base.

The biggest mistake I used to make when I started public speaking, with the hopes of selling my services, was taking questions at the end.

Why is that a mistake?

Simple. The talk you give should be designed to have a very strong 'close' at the end. You can't do that if your talk drags on and on with endless questions from people trying to get free advice from you. Hey, I'm sure you're a great person, but this is a free talk. You can't give it all away for fre.e when you're running a business.

So what do you do?

Take questions in the beginning. That way you can answer them as you go along to make sure everyone is happy. And you'll never run out of content either, so it will help with any fear you may have about speaking. Plus, it allows you to make a strong 'close' at the end to let everyone know you're looking for clients who are ready to make great changes in their lives!

If you want to see some incredible speakers look no further than the JP Fitness Summit at

Who are the speakers?

Alwyn Cosgrove
Lou Schuler
Bill Hartman
Dos Remedios
Charles Staley
Chad Waterbury
Zig Ziegler
Michael Rousell
Dave Schmitz

That's one heck of a lineup!

Register today at:

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- Is it real? Sure is.


Just wanted to give you a quick heads up on the progress I've made with my camps since purchasing your Ultimate Boot Camp Product.

I started in March '06 with about 10 people attending. It's steadily grown over the last 9 months with this month hitting 56 enrolled!!

It was your product that cemented the idea to start my own camps. I had no idea at the time that some initial guidance from the Ultimate BC CD's and some marketing know how would amount to a such a successful business.

I want to thank you for providing that spark that ignited what this year will be a SIX-FIGURE boot camp business!!'

Yours In Health,
Eric Gelder

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