Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Biggest Rant Ever!

Well, I don't know if it's my biggest, but I sure do have some things to get off my chest today.

Yesterday I learned that my good friend Brian Grasso can be found in the pages of News Week this issue. You can also find the story online at:

Know where Brian first discovered the power of media exposure?

The Ultimate Publicity Kit for Fitness Pros, that's where.

He knows first hand how to recycle the heck out of a monster media hit like this. He knows the opportunities that will arise from it are endless.

Who knows who will see it?

Who knows how many speaking engagements it will land him?

How many joint venture deals?

How many new members of the IYCA it will enlist?

It's endless. It really, really is.

The friggin' amazing part is that an hour after I learn one of my customers lands in News Week I have another customer who wants a refund on the same product.

Amazing. One person turns the information in that Kit into a feature in News Week and the other...well, I'm going to be a little polite and hold my tongue.

Some other folks have called my Boot Camp Kit common-sense.

Again, very interesting. Why? Because these are the very same people scratching their heads wondering why they're stuck in a gym all day long burning out training people one-on-one all day.

Oh, but wait, it gets more interesting. Here is the EXACT email I received from one of my successful Ultimate Boot Camp Start-Up Kit customers:

"Hey Buddy,

I hope all is well. I just wanted to update you with some great news regarding the corporate health and wellness program for KOSS Stereophones that I started after applying your Bootcamp Start-up Kit in January 2007. If you have some time, please feel free to look at the link below to see what we have done in the short 18 weeks of the program's inception.

"Bottom line, the application of the knowledge in your product has completely re-structured the way I do business. I am the only trainer in the area that I know of who does not do 1-on-1 training anymore. I have already made more income half way through this year than I did in all of 2006...while working 75% less!

Yesterday, I went to a movie on a tuesday night for the first time since I graduated college 2 years ago ("Knocked Up" was well worth it!). It's guys like you that are pushing this industry into the right direction by helping selfless trainers realize it is okay to make money and help people at the same time. A year ago, I seriously questioned whether or not I could make it in this business of long, repetitive, and unproductive hours of helping one person at a time. Now, at the age of 24, though I have a lot more work ahead of me and am no where near my goals, I finally feel like I will have the ability to achieve financial freedom for myself and my family in the ve ry near future.

I thank you for your knowledge and insights. To help others understand the impact that even one corporate gig can have on your yearly income, think about it this way:

If you charge a 50% discounted $100/hour (discounted because there is no doubt you can and should charge $200/hour when you deliver results), and you work your corporate bootcamps in 6 week on, 1 week off installments, let's say for 6 total 6 week sessions over the course of the year to provide for holidays, vacation, etc., and you have 6 contact hours per week with the corporation (and you should, ideally 5 weekly workouts and 1 client re-education and social support group), this is what you can do for yourself:

ADD $21,600 to your annual income from just 1 corporation at a 50% discounted rate!!!
Now, double that to the rate you should be charging once you establish yourself as the local expert, and your looking at:

ADD $43,200 to your annual income from just 1 corporation at a full 200/hour rate!!! Not to mention the supplemental passive income that can start coming from a auto-ship supplement program like PROGRADE ;) and the free ink that will come from all of the media outlets a corporation can immediately open the door to...

I challenge every health and fitness professional who is sick of letting other people set their schedules and dictate their quality of life to step up today and get the blueprint I used to land my first corporate gig, and hopefully set the stage to many other future possibilities, and buy Jim Labadie's Bootcamp Start-up Kit. You would have to be a real jackass not to take such a simple step to be able to help more people, secure your financial freedom, and change your life forever."

Yours in Fitness,

BJ Gaddour, CSCS

Again, that is the EXACT email he sent me. You can check out the links and see what he has done and how he has done it.

And how did he get the inspiration?

By spending a couple of bucks and taking the info and running with it. No ego. None of this "it's common-sense" bullsnot. No whining. No bitching. No moaning.

JUST ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now go look at yourself and the mirror and decide which person you're more like. Are you the know-it-all complainer? Or are you the person who takes action and makes their dream come true?

It's all there for the taking. And it really ain't even that hard. Stop listening to the losers in this industry and start hanging out with the winners. It's time for the scumbag personal trainers in this industry to go. I'm more than happy to help you put them out of business.

Here endeth the rant.

- Jim Labadie

PS- If you really want to hear me go off then come to Perform Better next week in Providence, RI. We'll be debuting the new Prograde 100% organic snack bars.

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