Thursday, June 07, 2007

Pump up your profits

Pump up your profits!

Don't roll your eyes.

Don't look away for one single second.

Read every word of this.

Sit back and digest it.

Regardless of the fitness business model you follow there are always hidden opportunities.

There are always ways you could be earning more while working less.

While this newsletter may or may not apply SPECIFICALLY to you it is imperative you read it.


Because it will open your eyes to all the opportunities that have been alluding YOU.

Last week during one of our Prograde training calls the extraordinary Pat Rigsby came up with this killer gameplan for making more loot from your fitness boot camps.

Again, let it open your mind. I don't care if you don't run camps, or have no desire to, it's more than worth reading.

This is an article Pat wrote based on the call:

"Integrating The Metabolism Makeover Into Your Fitness Bootcamp"

Would you like to learn a simple approach to integrating The Metabolism Makeover curriculum into your bootcamp? An easy way to presell your Prograde nutritional products? Add value to your camp while improving retention and results?

O.K. Here it is...

There are 12 Metabolism Makeover lessons, each covering a different aspect of sound nutrition. Since the lessons each cover individual topics, they're ideal for handouts that you can pass out to your campers.

But if you really want to 'take it to the next level', here's a step-by-step' approach:

1. Separate The Metabolism Makeover Program out into 12 individual handouts. Place your Prograde store links into appropriate points throughout each handout.

2. Pick out the points in each lesson that you want to cover and develop a 3-5 minute talk on them.

3. Close one camp session each week by passing out the handouts and giving your talk.

4. At the end of each lesson there are review questions for the campers to answer. Encourage them to email you with their responses.

5. Offer a 5 minute Q & A segment at one other camp session each week addressing the previous week's lesson. This will give you a perfect opportunity to recommend Prograde products as solutions to some of your campers' nutritional problems.

That's it.

By providing your campers nutritional guidance and allowing them to ask questions as well as requiring them to do homework -they'll get better results and, in turn, stay longer and refer more.

And as an added bonus, you'll have an easy way to promote Prograde nutritional products as a convenient way for your campers to address the nutritional needs specific to their fitness goals.


Pat knows his stuff inside and out. And he's big on leveraging your current customers to make more of the green stuff.

Is it sinking in?

Are you starting to see all the dollars you've been letting slip through your fingers?

Regardless if you sell Prograde or not, doesn't it make you realize there's so much more out there for the taking if you get a little creative?


On Wednesday, June 13th at 8PM EST Dr. John Berardi will be conducting an exclusive tele-seminar for Prograde Professionals ONLY!

"Breakthrough Nutritional Strategies for Elite Fitness Professionals"

John will reveal strategies for:

Meetng the specific needs of each of your clients
Improving food selection
Improving food amount
Improving food timing
Advanced individualization by body type
The role of supplements in nutritional intake
And much, much more...

To enroll in Prograde and get a world-class education for $99 go to

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- When I recently raised the price of our Ultimate Boot Camp Start-Up Kit one of my very successful Boot Camp Kit customers sent me this:

"Hi Jim,

As far as I'm concerned, you should be jacking up the bootcamp price to $497! I've made around $50,000 since I began operating bootcamps a year and a half ago.

And that figure DOES NOT count all of the other opportunities that arose as a result of the bootcamps! If I included those, then I would be well over 100k."

Scott York

PPS- Do you want that kind of return on investment? Turn $99 into $100k?

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