Saturday, May 26, 2007

What are you doing this weekend?

What are you doing this weekend?

Many of you, who were obviously thinking more clearly than I was yesterday, will be doing something other than thinking about work.

It's Memorial Day weekend in the States, so I've decided it only makes sense, on a holiday weekend, to wait until Tuesday at 3pm EST to raise the prices on two of my best sellers.

Here are the details: will see the price go from $79 to $99. will see the price go from $99 to $129.

Again, you have until Tuesday, May 29th at 3pm EST to get your hands on these breakthrough programs at the lower price!

Who loves ya? ;-)


PS- Build a six-figure biz of your own!

Just wanted to give you a quick heads up on the progress I've made with my camps since purchasing your Ultimate Boot Camp Product.

I started in March '06 with about 10 people attending. It's steadily grown over the last 9 months with this month hitting 56 enrolled!!

It was your product that cemented the idea to start my own camps. I had no idea at the time that some initial guidance from the Ultimate BC CD's and some marketing know how would amount to a such a successful business.

I want to thank you for providing that spark that ignited what this year will be a SIX-FIGURE boot camp business!!"

Yours In Health,

Eric Gelder will see the price go from $79 to $99. will see the price go from $99 to $129.

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