Monday, June 11, 2007

Make the most of your media hits

Make the most of your media hits

It's Monday.

And Monday's for me are "transition" day.

That means I get back into the swing of things after the weekend. You wouldn't want me to "pull" something by working too hard on a Monday, would you?

So to help me out, and more importantly, to help YOU out, I enlisted the help of my friend Amanda Vogel to start your week off on the right note.

Follow these easy media tips from her to leverage the heck out of your time and effort:

Tip 1: When a journalist interviews you for a story, you have his or her full attention. Take advantage of this golden opportunity to receive more media exposure. After you've addressed all the journalist's questions, pitch an idea for another article that you could contribute to as an expert source. This works whether you're doing a phone or email interview. Just be sure to make your pitch short and to the point.

Tip 2: Make your health and fitness articles work for you many times over. Sell them as reprints for extra revenue (often with a time investment of 10 minutes or less). Use your previously published articles as lead-generating content for your client newsletters or website. Tweak the wording for new audiences (an article on the benefits of boot camps can be easily adjusted for a skiing magazine, running magazine, parenting magazine, business magazine and more).

Tip 3: Keep in touch with the media people who contact you. This sounds so simple, but the vast majority of fitness pros don't do it. The hardest part of scoring the kind of media exposure that brings you the recognition and credibility you want is breaking in. This applies to both writing articles and getting publicity. Once you've made contact with members of the media, you're on the "inside," so to speak. This is your chance to turn one valuable media hit into ongoing exposure and marketing power for your fitness business.

Oh, and I'm NOT suggesting that you add journalists to your newsletter list without their permission (this is a good way to get your email blocked from reaching them). I'm talking about pitching ideas, sending informative press releases, occasionally asking if they need help with a story, etc.

Amanda knows her stuff inside and out when it comes to the media.

Know why?

Because she IS the media. She's one of the top fitness freelance writers on the planet. So when she gives you advice, you should listen.

And for $29 you can get a truckload of her best tips. You'd be nuts not to spend a couple bucks to discover Amanda's "30 Ways to Keep Profiting from Media Promotions." Grab your copy here:

Even if you don't have any media contacts or experience currently, this product will help you get on the path to media success!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- My best-selling product over the weekend?

'I'll make this as simple as possible: Using what I learned in Jim Labadie's Ultimate Sales Kit I made $10,000 in 6 hours!!'

Ken Roetman
Boca Raton, FL

Download the mp3 version for $99 and be listening to it TODAY on your iPod while you workout!

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