Monday, May 21, 2007

Do you have the guts?

It takes courage to live by a different set of rules. And as an entrepreneur you need to realize the the rules of the "ordinary" DO NOT apply to you.

For instance, many "ordinary" people, friends and family included, see my websites and don't know what to make of them. They take a look at my sales copy or marketing strategies and roll their eyes.

How much do you think I care?

It's funny because I also see them roll their eyes when I tell them I'm taking a day off because I feel like it. Or that I saw two movies that week in the middle of the day with my friend Ryan Lee.

If I didn't have the courage to self-promote and use marketing strategies that actually work I would be stuck living by the rules of the "ordinary." I've lived that life and I'll tell you from experience - it sucks.

Being a SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur requires shameless self-promotion.
Being a SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur requires sales copy
Being a SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur requires powerful marketing systems
Being a SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur requires thinking the exact OPPOSITE
of how the "ordinary" think.

And all of these things take courage. So, if you need a shot of in the arm of some I can't recommend my friend Barry Lovelace enough. His Clients are Everywhere program is mandatory listening for every fitness pro.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- These are pretty strong words:

"Hands down, Barry Lovelace is the most energetic, enthusiastic fitness professional I've ever met. He has lots of tips and tidbits called "Barryism's." They are really actionable strategies you can take and use in your business"

Ryan Lee, MS, CSCS

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