Thursday, May 24, 2007

Reshape your body in just 6 weeks!

I have two very important messages for you today:

1- If you don't watch fitness infomercials and you're in the fitness industry, well, shame on you.

I don't care at all what you think of them. What I do care about is how much they can help your marketing.

Check out the website for Slim in 6 and make it a habit it to use the powerful words and phrases that they do. Where do you think I came up with the subject line for this email?

2- My good friend Pat Rigsby wrote a newsletter recently that I consider a must-read. Actually, all of Pat's stuff is must-read.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Did you know that when you enroll in Prograde Nutrition you receive a world-class education? Including our turn-key Metabolism Makeover program which is a no-brainer profit center for you.

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