Monday, November 19, 2007

It Blows My Mind

Howard Stern

Rush Limbaugh

Oprah Winfrey

Bill O'Reilly

Michael Moore

It doesn't matter right now what you think of the list of people above.

What does matter is that you understand one of the main reasons they are extraordinarily successful.

They make a very personal connection with their target market/audience.

They speak the same language.

They believe the same things.

They laugh at the same jokes.

The same things touch their heart.

You're going to tell me you know this already, right?

Then why do 99.9% of trainers still insist on writing impersonal email newsletters that bore the crap out of everyone reading them?

It blows my mind.

So, what is your newsletter like?

- Jim

PS- What can a couple of guys making buku bucks sending out emails teach you? A lot.


What a great product Ultimate Email Marketing is. No fluff just immediately useable info. I've already made one change (you suggested) to my subject headline and have got a lot more emails opened - thanks!"

Alex Poole
Bristol, UK

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