Thursday, November 08, 2007

An Endless Stream of Physician Referrals

An Endless Stream of Physician Referrals

Do you have any idea how big this is?

Seriously, do you?

Have you seen this?

In the United States, things just got a whole lot easier for you.

If things are different in your country, well, use this as the model to take to your local doctors.

The American College of Sports Medicine and The American Medical Association got something right for a change.

Find out all about it at:

Here's what you should be doing right away:

- Contacting every local doctor in your area with this news. Especially the ones you already know.

- Tell your current clients about it and make sure they are letting their doctor know they are working with you. And be sure they are filling them in on all your great progress together.

- Contact your local media and pitch them a story about how easy, or how hard, it is to get referrals from doctors. Let them know all about this new initiative.

- You can work with a doctor to get clients enrolled in your Weight Managment program. And if you don't have one, enroll in Prograde Nutrition and use the one we have created FOR you.

And that's just the start. The possibilities here are endless.

Now get to work! ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Come on, are you really going to tell me a doctor wouldn't LOVE to know you have a 12 week weight management program created by a registered dietitan he can enroll his patients into?

Go to and click on the Fitness Professionals tab.

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