Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Your personal dream planner

Your personal dream planner

The people who are closest to me personally know that I'm an introvert.

I've also been a lifelong daydreamer.

I remember really noticing it when I was in the third grade at School No. 14 in Clifton, NJ (great name, I know)

I'd sit at my desk by the window and just stare at the parking lot dreaming of things a whole lot more fun than school.

Back when I worked at a personal training studio in Haddonfield, NJ I was definitely dreaming of a better life as I was scraping ice off my car at 5:00 in the morning.

As I got older the dreams got bigger.

And the more dreams that come true, the more dreams I dream.

One of which is to make more moolah than most people can even comprehend.

The other part of that dream is to give pretty much all of it away to my favorite charities when my time to dream comes to an end.

If you're not a dreamer I really think you should stop reading these emails. They're just a waste of your time.

But if you like to dream and you want yours to come true then I urge you to continue.

They do come true.

They will get bigger.

They will benefit you.

They will benefit others.

God bless the dreamers.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Make your dreams come true faster. You should know so much about marketing that you dream about it. Pick up a copy of and those dreams of yours will become turbocharged.

PPS- Read the whole letter. You'll see what I mean.

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