Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Your most valuable asset

Your most valuable asset

Oftentimes, we learn by doing.

But you can learn from others, of course.


In one of your email's "the velvet rope," you strongly suggested that we don't meet with prospective client's who have not called for an appointment themselves.

I should have heeded your advice.

A man approached me at the gym and said his wife needed a trainer. She finally called me after I sent two email's and left one phone message.

We met, I went through the whole system that I learned from your program. She agreed with everything however; she forgot her checkbook.

I had a feeling right from the start that she was not a good prospect. We agreed to meet at the gym on Sunday at 8 am. She called at 7:15 am and canceled.

I learned first hand to place that velvet rope around myself. I will not waste time again meeting with a prospect client whose spouse wants them to get in shape."

Nancy McDaniel
Formula For Fitness

JL: Thanks for sharing your story, Nancy. I've made that same mistake.

Hopefully it will impress upon my readers just how important using the Velvet Rope approach is.

And for those of you who missed it, the true value is in making the most efficient use of your most valuable asset - your TIME.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Make the most of your time. Discover my Velvet Rope sales approach at

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