Thursday, April 10, 2008

Business lessons from a 9 year old

On Sunday I went to a wildlife preserve with my girlfriend Carol.

It had one of those little amphitheatres with a presentation on all the animals where they talk about them briefly and let the audience pet them.

The neat thing was many of the animals were "presented" to us by volunteers who were kids between 8 and 14 years old.

One boy who spoke to the audience was about 9 years old. And man, was he ever nervous!

And it wasn't because he was holding a baby alligator.

No, it was because he was 9 years old speaking in front of an audience of 40-50 people.

He was shaking a little bit.

Kept rubbing his hands on his pants - while someone else held the little gator.

And most of the time he was looking at the ground.

But he did it.

He did what most adults refuse to do.

He got up the guts to speak in public.

This little boy showed a lot of courage and he will be rewarded for it all his life.

What can you learn from this courageous kid?

What have you been scared of that has been keeping you from living your dreams?

This little boy sure was scared. But he did it anyway.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - Not only is it more profitable to TRAIN groups, it's easier to SELL to them, too. Below is the result one of my customers got after taking my public speaking advice.

"4 out of a group of 8 signed up for a boot camp immediately after my last talk at a small group for women."

Steve Riley
Loganville, GA

PPS - Speak to 8 people and get 4 to sign up. What would happen to your business if you could do that over and over and over...

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