The mirror workout
Have you ever taken a good look at yourself in the mirror?
Have you ever taken a step back and looked at your life as if you were someone else?
It's amazing what you'll see when you take the time.
One of the things you want to look at is what is accelerating OR preventing your success.
Oftentimes GUILT is one of the emotions which really holds us back.
So let's take a look at YOU right now. Get in front of the mirror and take a good look.
Imagine you're making 6 figures PER MONTH. Does it feel great?
Or does it make you feel guilty?
Would you feel bad because your mom and dad never made anywhere near that much?
Do you feel bad because there are so many people on the planet who will never come close to making a fraction of that?
Do you have feelings of unworthiness? In other words, you could NEVER be worthy of making that much moolah?
Emotions are what drive us.
I've had trainers write back to me after emails like this and complain they just want marketing advice.
But I'll tell you what: if you don't have your emotions pulling you in the right direction, well, you're temporarily screwed.
You need to get right with yourself before anything else.
Who loves ya? ;-)
Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie
PS - I wrote this email on Wednesday night around midnight. I love because it lets me run my entire online business with ease.
PPS - You DEFINITELY shouldn't feel guilty about taking vacations. Read this to find out how to take more of 'em:
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