The right way to look at it
The right way to look at it
I received this email in response to my latest newsletter last week about promoting the "look better naked" theme:
While I agree with you 100% that people are MUCH more concerned about how they look than their health there is always a nagging problem inherent in this.
Yes, there can be some health benefits to the "fat melting" but as I have said thousands of times it is very easy to be very fit but also very unhealthy.
This attitude is something I have to learn how to ignore if I want to get anywhere. I have gotten to the point where I just say to my self "well it's their loss hope they enjoy a good looking corpse."
This may be an unconscious thing going on with many of us in this industry."
Robert Troch
JL: Thanks very much for writing in, Robert. That means you take the time to read these emails of mine!
I don't disagree with YOU either.
Here's the thing: Get them in the door. Get the client in your life. You can't do anything for them if they won't hire you in the first place.
Sell them on the Look Better Naked stuff. Then do you absolute best to change their life as much as possible.
Once they really know you, like you and trust you, it will be much easier.
Even then, there is only so much you can do.
So do the best you can and learn to let the rest go.
Oh, and the way I see it, this is a GOOD problem for trainers to have. It shows you really care. And that's never a bad thing.
Who loves ya? ;-)
Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie
PS - There's a great article on Prograde Nutrition that just came out on - read it here:
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I've been using Prograde about a month. I train hard five days a week and recovery time is really important. My recovery has been improving thanks to your products, especially Prograde Workout.
My overall performance is improving, but I notice it most in my heavier lifts. I got my first barbell shoulder press with 170 lb yesterday, plus my first unilateral dumbbell high pulls with 100 lb (each arm). Though I know many people will get heavier lifts than mine, I am thrilled!
I have a goal of being able to do a 100 lb dumbbell clean & press with one arm by my 58th birthday, which is in August, and I believe I will make it.
Your excellent products definitely are helping move ahead faster."
Frank DiMeo
owner of CrossFit Gulf Coast
PPPS - Become a Prograde Pro here
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