Friday, November 04, 2005

Alwyn Cosgrove unleashed!

This week I did an interview with the legendary Alwyn Cosgrove.

Yes, the same guy who tore the industry a new one at Ryan Lee's Boot Camp.

Yes, the same guy I'll be touring with at the upcoming 'Fitness Outlaws' events. (Phoenix - it's official we're coming on Saturday, January 21st!)

Yes, the same guy who will bet his mortgage he can write a better program than you. I actually interviewed him for something you'll be hearing about real soon.

This is going to be short and sweet today and I really want you to think about the complete
mind-shift that his thinking demands of the fitness industry. Here are some of the highlights:

- Most trainers don't know what the hell they are doing in terms of program design and that is
the real reason clients aren't seeing results.

- Trainers who aren't charging one fee for program design and another fee for the actual
training sessions are missing the boat.

- Trainers should be charging by the session and it doesn't matter whether it takes 15 minutes,
27 minutes, 60 minutes or whatever. Should you be penalized for the fact that you can get clients results in less time? Really think about that one.

- People, me and you included, often see the value in a service based on the amount of time. Shouldn't the result be what has the most value placed on it?

- One-on-one training is dead. If you're not training people in groups you're missing the potential to earn far more per session.

- Alwyn has been writing programs for 16 years. He can write one in 6 minutes that will get better results than most trainers, me included, can ever hope for. So when people
ask about the program design fee and how long it takes him he tells them, '16 years.' There is no
substitute for real world experience.

While you're mulling that over I can't possibly make a stronger recommendation for another
expert's product than for Alwyn's program design manual. You'll find out all about it at:

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- If you want to learn from the best there is then you need to learn from Alwyn Cosgrove.
I know I did.

PPS- What does the editor of Men's Fitness think of Alwyn Cosgrove?

"Long before ever seeing him in action, I was convinced that Alwyn Cosgrove was the greatest
trainer in the world. His unique theories on performance-enhancement, along with his clients' outstanding results, confirm Alwyn's immense talent, knowledge, originality, and passion for training. But it's Alwyn's keen perception - his innate ability to spot and dismantle flaws in both programs and theories, and immediately know how to repair them - that makes him a coach, and a man, who is so in demand the world over.

Sean Hyson,
Fitness Editor
Men's Fitness

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