Thursday, April 13, 2006

This is serious stuff

I've written about this before. The word that most often seems to be missing from the fitness professional's vocabulary is FUN. I don't like affirming the negative, but let's face it, most people don't dig exercise. Many will tell you they just don't have the time, but for the most part that is complete horsesh*t. You know it and I know it. People make time for the things they enjoy. I think most people don't exercise because they dread it.

Yes, to obtain results people are going to need to work. They are going to need to do a whole bunch of things to make a permanent lifestyle change. But that doesn't mean it has to suck, right?

One of my private coaching clients said something very interesting to me during her session last week. She has a business that runs very successful boot camps in their facility. The more crowded the camp is the more the participants like it. When there's only 3 or 4 people attending those who are there get a little bummed. They don't care that they'll get more attention from the instructor. They care that they don't have as much FUN!!!

Think about that for a moment.

It really should grab you by the neck and shake you up. People want to have fun! Your prospects want to have fun. The public needs to know fitness can be fun.

A lot of people dread exercise. They imagine walking on a treadmill for 60 minutes being bored to death. Or they picture going through the same old boring machines again and again. You need to know this. You need to combat this! You need to let the world know fitness is fun again!

When you add the fact that camps are more affordable for people it really is a no-brainer to start your own. My friend, and customer, Scott Colby of SC Fitness in Dallas made $8000 for his latest round of camps! And to my knowledge he doesn't even take on one-one clients anymore because he's having too much fun running camps!

He makes a lot more money and works a lot less for it. Plus, he's now got the time to create multiple streams of income with info-products. Start having more fun and grab a copy of the Ultimate Boot Camp Start-Up Kit at:

Want proof?

Listen to this quick 5 minute interview revealing how Laurel Blackburn of Tallahassee, FL used the Ultimate Boot Camp Start-Up Kit to deposit $3000 from her very first camp!

And if you're looking for cool stuff to add to the fitness component of your camp then look no further. Josh Henkin has just what you need:

Boot Campers LOVE sandbags! Fun, fun, fun!

Public speaking tip

A great way to get people signed up for your camp, or as 'regular' training clients, is public speaking. And I'll tell you how to make it a slam dunk. Bring one of your campers or clients. I'm confident you've got at least one who absolutely LOVES you and your camp. I'm certain you've got at least one walking, talking billboard who just can't stop talking about how awesome it is and what a difference it's made in their life.

Emotion is what moves people. Let this person start off your talk by introducing you. Let them touch the hearts of the audience. There's no better form of advertising. There truly isn't it.
More than likely this person would be happy to help you out anyway they can. But if you need to, make it worth their while in some way.

Oh, and you can't make it a commercial for your services. But what they can do is express to the audience how much their new found fitness has meant to their lives. It's about inspiring people to take action!!

Want MORE great ideas?


Another of my private coaching clients has been doing her 'scripting' homework with great success. Here's what she recently wrote me:

'Having a blast scripting my day. Getting very specific about how I want to spend my time and not worrying about the details as much like you said. And it's odd but people are just coming out of nowhere who have all the talents I need to produce my videos!'

It's amazing how this stuff works, but I do it all the time. I'm big into the spiritual secrets of prosperity and this is one of my favorites. If you want more of this type of info then I've got just the thing for you. Get on the FAST-TRACK to success by signing up for - - it don't cost nuttin'!

By the way, I wrote about scripting recently and if you missed it you can check it out here:

Oh, and if you're super serious about success you can learn about coaching sessions here:

Hey, if you want to make crazy amounts of coin I can teach you how.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- If you've been looking for kick ass sandbags to use with your clients and Boot Camps then look no further. Fellow fitness entrepreneur Josh Henkin has the answer. Check it out at:

PPS- Here are some of the testimonials for this awesome training tool:

Your new sandbag is my new favorite training tool! I have been using your bag for my own training sessions and also during my Bootcamp training sessions. I love it and my clients love it. They love the unique challenge that lifting a sandbag requires and the fun they have while doing so. My clients are all far from hard-core trainees (I am talking housewives and office workers!), but they all love it when I break out your sandbags and run them through some full-body powercircuits.

I have been training my Bootcamp attendees with your Sandbags and many have commented that they are losing fat each week and their clothes are already starting to fit better. The best thing is that they love the training and actually look forward to training with the sandbags! Thanks again for making this kick-ass bag! My clients (and my wallet) are loving it!'
-Kyle Battis CSCS, ATC, NSCA-CPT
Professional Fitness Coaching

'Having a background in martial arts and working as a trainer I have always been intrigued by sandbag training. However, I have not implemented sandbags because all the bags in the market either leak, or rip the skin of my clients. Neither is acceptable when you train in a nice facility. I have also found most sandbag products do not allow my beginning clients to use them as the limitations in gripping options makes it near impossible for beginners to participate.

That is why I was so excited to work with Josh Henkin's Ultimate Sandbag. Immediately I could see the difference in the quality of the canvas. It was nearly as abrasive on the hands which allowed for many more of my clients to use the bag. I also found the varied gripping options to not only help those starting out, but also for creating more unique drills for my more advanced clients. Josh Henkin's sandbag is an essential piece of my training arsenal not only for myself, but for the great results I get my clients. More than worth the investment!'

Ray D'Alessio
Certified Personal Trainer and Martial Artist

'Would I get Josh's bag instead of other bags on the market?


You get what you pay for and in this instance you are making out very well. In addition, Josh is much easier to get a hold of should there be a problem. Josh stands by his products through and through.'

Zach Even-Esh
The Underground Strength Coach

'If you have clients that have trained for many years and you, your client or both are getting bored then here is your answer. The sandbag is a great total body strength training tool as well as an excellent cardio workout. Those that are strapped for time need this product to give them everything they need in 30 minutes. Just give it a try and you will find muscles sore that haven't been sore in years. '

-Jayson Hunter
Personal Trainer

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