Wednesday, April 05, 2006

This is supposed to be hard, right?

One of my private coaching clients once said something to me I'll never forget.

His business was struggling a bit and the harder he worked the less things went his way. While that may seem counterintuitive I can explain why his work ethic was standing in the way of his success.

This is basically what he said: "I know this is supposed to be hard and it's always a struggle to get your business going."

I stopped him right there and immediately explained to him his problems.

First, he needed to watch his self-talk. If his sub-conscious keeps hearing him say this is going to be hard, it's going to be a challenge, nothing worth doing is ever easy, well, guess what? His sub-conscious was doing what it was told. It made everything he was doing a challenge. It made everything hard. It made it the challenge of all challenges.

Who ever said it has to be hard? Why not affirm that it will take some effort, but his business will grow quickly and easily?

Once he started affirming that it became so. And today his business is booming.
He's in national magazines, works only with the clients he decides to take on and sells info-products all over the planet.

Second, the Law of Attraction is Universal. And he was attracting to him like a magnet as many obstacles to him becoming a success as he could. If you are constantly thinking that you must suffer when you start a business then the Universe will deliver to you every obstacle it can.

Why? Because thoughts become things.

So when you affirm the positive you not only train your sub-conscious to make your life easy, but the Universe as well.

Now that might seem nuts to you. Don't take my word for it. Try it yourself. See what happens when you start thinking and talking differently. And try it on your clients as well. It works. My client and myself are living proof.

Here are some great affirmations that not only train your sub-conscious, but set your intention to the Universe so it can deliver you what you want. Believe me, you'll always get what you really want, so be careful what you ask for!

- Money is attracted to me like a magnet
- I only train clients who are a joy to work with
- All of my clients are wonderful walking, talking billboards
- I've met my fitness goals with grace and ease (for clients)

Again, don't just take my word for it. Try it yourself and see what you attract into your life.

I've got two more things to make your life easier:

1) There's two seats left for the tele-seminar I'm doing tomorrow night with Scott Colby. This afternoon we put the finishing touches on it and it is AMAZING!!! If you were to affirm that you had a full-year publicity plan for your fitness business and it only cost you $47 you'd be attending.

I MIGHT release this program at a later date, but it will cost at least $97. And you can bet the ranch on that. This info is too good.

2) My life is easy. The less I work, the more I make. If you liked today's email and really want to get into prosperity consciousness and the Universal Law of Attraction check out this site:
Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- TWO SEATS LEFT!!! Don 't worry if you can't make the call tomorrow night. If you reserve your spot you'll still get to listen to the recording via MP3 download afterwards.

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