Friday, May 19, 2006

What are you going to do with all your free time?

What are you going to do with all your free time?

You know. When you're taking 4 day weekends all the time, what are you going to be doing? Where are you going to go? Who will you see? How will you get there?

You don't know?

That's perfectly fine. Not many people do.

But if that is what you want, that is what you need to start to plan for. Think about it. Meditate on it. Script it out.

Are you spending time with family? Playing golf? Heading out on your boat? Going to visit friends?

The more real you imagine and plan what you want your future to look like the faster your sub-conscious mind (and the Universe) can make it the here and now.

I'm going to the movies this afternoon. That's what I do pretty much every Friday afternoon. I LOVE movies.

And you know what?

I imagined I would spend my Friday afternoon's this way a long time ago.

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- The testimonials are coming in fast and furious!

"I just listened to your interview with Zach for the third time! The more I listen to this the more powerful it becomes. It truly changed my mindset for the rest of the day. This is a process for me or anyone doing this type of mind-shift, but the CD has me catching myself when I get negative and changing things for the positive.
I hope to see more products like this from you in the future. Thank you for "Paying it Forward!"
Georgette Pann


"For years I struggled as a personal trainer and felt hopeless wondering how I was ever going to make more money in this business. It wasn't until I started listening to and applying the principles Jim speaks about that my business took off!

Once you "get it" and practice the laws of attracting money you will see for yourself how this truly works! Now money comes with LESS effort than ever before because I understand how I was sabotaging myself from success. It's so exciting to see my dreams come true far beyond what I'd first imagined!

If you are serious about being, doing, and creating more than you ever thought possible as fitness professional then you need a copy of the Fitness Business Mindset CD TODAY!"

Heather Picken

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