Thursday, May 18, 2006

3 Tips for Communicating Effectively with Editors

You may already know this. In fact, you may already be doing this.

But I missed it.

Well, I actually knew about this, but it took some time to really appreciate it as a revenue stream.


Simple really. The fitness industry publications that I write for, so I can reach my target market, don't really pay me for my material. I get to promote myself and that's why it makes sense to do it.


Since there are big-time fitness magazines reaching big-time audiences you can not only promote yourself through writing articles, but you can get seriously paid to do it.

My good friend Amanda Vogel - yes, the same one who is a fellow fitness pro AND a freelance writer who contributes to, Fitness, Self, Cooking Light, Fit Pregnancy, Health and Shape - has been trying to convince me of just how much you can earn writing articles.

Again, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Yes, it is, in fact, true you can get paid several thousand dollars for writing an article for a top-flight fitness magazine.

Even better?

It's not as hard or time consuming as you think! According to Amanda:

Most fitness pros - and even professional writers - think the only way to make money with articles is to continually write brand-new pieces, all on different topics, which can take a lot of time. Once you know how, you can collect multiple paychecks for the basically the same information. For example:

1- Recycling: The idea is to recycle or repurpose your material so you double or triple (or more) your earnings in half the time or less. You might create articles with different angles and target audiences but all on the same general theme. This also allows you to market yourself to a wider audience.

2- Reprints: You could sell what's called a reprint, which means you simply sell pretty much the same article to multiple magazines and get paid multiple times without having to spend time writing a new article.

3- Career Spin-offs: Writing articles often leads to other career opportunities or spin-offs. My articles have gotten me other writing assignments, paid presenting gigs, publicity in major magazines and the chance to teach a high paying two-day fitness course.

Pretty cool, huh?

If you're getting paid to write articles that means you're dealing with editors. And since that can be a little tricky Amanda has generously offered this advice to you:

3 Tips for Communicating Effectively with Editors

When an editor assigns you an article, do your part to ensure communication runs smoothly. Here are 3 strategies for communicating effectively with editors.

1- Check first about the check. If an editor doesn't mention a fee when assigning an article, it often means there isn't one. You might expect payment, but if he expects a freebie, you're out of luck. Ask about the fee before you write so there are no surprises.

2- Make second-draft changes obvious. Editors commonly email authors a second draft of their article with editorial suggestions and questions. Address these questions and incorporate changes promptly. To save editors time and frustration, always clearly mark your changes (I use UPPER CASE letters or a blue- or red-colored font). Editors don't have time to weed through a 2,000-word piece hunting for your last-minute additions or altered phrases. Also, don't rewrite sections that have already been edited unless the editor asks you to do so.

3- Ask questions. If an editor has changed something you don't agree with in the second draft of your article, politely discuss it with her. Ask why she made the change. You may discover there's a sound reason for it. Or, you might convince her to reverse the change. Just remember - most editors don't care to argue over minor word choice.

Does she know her stuff or what?

If you're serious about all this. If you really want to break into the world of paid fitness writing do yourself a HUGE favor - get a copy of Amanda's easy to follow online workshop:
'How to Write Winning Queries: Sell your health and fitness article ideas for profit and promotion'

Unless, that is, you like doing things the hard way.

I'll even give you more incentive.

A- You don't have to write for big magazines to make all her tips work. It works for small magazines and newspapers, too.

B- It comes with a personal consulation with Amanda valued at $160. But it's actually priceless. I personally know some of her customers who have been published due to her personally helping them.

C- This is the BIG one:

Amanda and I interviewed fitness media mainstay Kellie Calabrese to find our her own publicity secrets. We could easily sell this audio for $27 or more. But you can download the recording for FREE if you order Amanda's 'How to Write Winning Queries' Online Workshop by 6:00 PST Tuesday, May 23rd.

So what do you need to do?

1- Order Amanda's Workshop here:

2- When you purchase it enter the special code below in the 'Message to Seller' section of the PayPal order form.

Special Code: JL-QW-1506

If you have any questions you can contact Amanda here:

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - You won't find anyone more knowledgable about writing fitness articles for profit than Amanda Vogel. If you want to cash in take advantage of her expertise.

PPS - If you really want to amp up your publicity efforts be sure to use the special code JL-QW-1506 so you get the FREE Kelli Calabrese interview when you order.

This is what you'll discover from Kelli:

- How to become an internationally known fitness expert
- Why the media seeks HER out
- How her website has helped her land media hits
- How you maintaini relationships with the media
- How she promotes her info-products via the media
- How she turn ONE radio appearance into a regular on-air spot -How to build your business through community events and promotions

DON'T FORGET: Special Code: JL-QW-1506


'I can tell you from personal experience that getting published in national fitness magazines isn't easy. Even with more than 10 years of experience writing for fitness Web sites and conducting seminars, it was still an uphill battle for me. Like in many industries, it's often about who you know. If you're not fortunate enough to know the grandson of the editor, then you better get to know Amanda Vogel.

Her online query workshop tells you exactly how to structure your pitch, using an easy-to-follow model. Amanda analyzes your query in detail and offers suggestions that greatly improve your chances of getting the writing assignments you desire.

Amanda's workshop helped me break into Men's Fitness magazine. If you really want to see your name in the best publications, then I highly suggest you sign up for Amanda's workshop.'

- Stephen Ladd, C.H.E.K. Practitioner Level II, The Human Form, Columbus, Ohio


'I wanted to let you know that the query you helped me with was accepted by a major fitness magazine, and my article will be the cover story! I'm very excited. As well, I have used your email and snail mail query templates for all of my queries and have seen increases in my story ideas being accepted. Thanks again for your wonderful advice and suggestions.'

- Nicole Palacios, Perfect Fit Personal Training, North Vancouver, B.C.

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