Tuesday, October 03, 2006

How to automate your business

Know what the coolest thing about this email is?

I wrote it LAST Saturday. And thanks to http://www.TrainerShoppingCart.com it was sent out automatically today.

In fact, I wrote both the newsletters I sent out this week last Saturday and simply scheduled them to be sent when I wanted them delivered. (You can see the other one at my blog: http://trainandgrowrich.blogspot.com )

Pretty cool, huh?

Right now I'm enjoying the Ryan Lee Boot Camp. It's in full-swing.

And the entire time my business is running on auto-pilot.

God Bless the Internet.

Even better is you can be doing this too.

There's no reason in the world you can't have an online business that makes you moolah - lots of it - while you're:

- On vacation
- Sleeping
- Playing with your kids
- Training clients
- Listening to my info-products

You get the idea. The possibilities really are endless.

So take a moment and consider them.

What would YOUR life look like if you had an online shopping cart and your own information products to sell?

While you're contemplating that I'll give you another example of how you can make your life easier with http://www.TrainerShoppingCart.com

What if you you had an automated system where your clients had their credit cards charged every thirty days? Or 45 days? Or whenever you want to automatically charge them.

You can easily set that up using http://www.TrainerShoppingCart.com

The moral of the story is simple: Always be on the lookout for ways to make your life easier. And that means automating everything you possibly can.

Who loves ya?

Jim Labadie
Dream Bigger Dreams

PS- If you enjoy losing money hand-over-fist then make sure you avoid this website like the plague - http://www.fitnessinfomistakes.com

PPS- Oh, and a lot of my customers are now running Fitness Boot Camps so they earn more while working less. That way they have the time to create and market their own info-products without losing any training income in the process.


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