Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Do you save your best stuff?

Ok. So I couldn't stay away. I'm in a Starbucks right now in Wayne, NJ checking email. And since I had an idea, I figured I'd write you.

The other day I did a coaching session and told my client about a website he should be reading to make his marketing messgage more clear for his prospects.

His response?

Huh, you've never written about that in your newsletter before.

My response?

I save the best stuff for the people who pay me. It's only fair right?

Interesting. I guess I'm not doing a good enough job of making it crystal clear that the people who put their trust in my by paying me get even more than those who just read the free stuff.

I'll do better.

So what about you? Are you saving your best for your paying clients? Do they realize it? Do your prospects?

Happy Thanksgiving!


PS- I'm taking the coaching session bonuses out of both the Ultimate Publicity Kit and the Ultimate Sales Kit. AND I'm raising my per session rate from $250 to $600.

When? Just about December 1st.

So if you want a bargain get one - or BOTH - of those products now.


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