Thursday, December 14, 2006

Case Study: The Heart Attack Grill

Case Study: The Heart Attack Grill

Men's Fitness mainstay, Joe Stankowski, filled me in on this one. And I can't thank him enough.

As a fitness professional you'll probably be disgusted by this. I certainly was.

But as a fitness entrepreneur you have to appreciate it. You have to look beyond the aburdity of it all and really appreciate the brilliance of the concept.

But know ahead of time this may make you very angry.

VERY angry.

You need to control it because it does no good. Anger is your enemy.

It keeps you from seeing the things you need to see. From learning the things you need to learn.

And in the case of the there's is much for you to discover.

Go ahead and look around on their site. Check out the burgers. Marvel at the fact that you can actually add cigarettes to your order.

Yeah, that's right, cigarettes.

Oh, and don't forget about the fries cooked in pure lard...the wheelchairs they roll you out to your car in...the motto: Taste...Worth Dying For!!!

Shoot! Almost forgot the entire politcally incorrect and sexist attitude thrown in for good measure.

Remember, anger is your enemy here.

Let's look at how the Heart Attack Grill can benefit you.

#1 - I wish it weren't the case either, but when you think about it, they sure are creating future clients for you.

#2 - They are 100% in YOUR face. This is who you are up against. This is who WE are up against. You might not like them one bit, but it's a great concept, it's completely unique, the press is certainly paying attention to them, they are going to get a ton of word-of-mouth...

Do I need to go on?

#3 - Read number 2 again. In fact, read it a couple of times.

They know EXACTLY who their customer is. Do you?

The know EXACTLY what their customer WANTS. Do you?

They came up with a totally INNOVATIVE and UNIQUE concept that people don't have a choice but to talk about. Have you?

So, are you going to go on rant and complain for the next couple of days about how you can't believe such a business exists?

Or are you going to do something intelligent like come up with your own unique and innovative ways to market yourself?

It's your decision to make. I'm merely the messenger.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- I'm running a special bundle offer on three of my best products as part of the 12 Days of Fitness. You get my:

1) Velvet Rope Fitness Marketing DVD
2) Velvet Rope Sales and PR DVD
3) Fitness Business Mindset Audio CD

All for only $79. It would normally cost you $106.90

Check it out the bottom of to find out how to order.

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