Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Technology and the Fitness Entrepreneur

I'm definitely not an 'early adapter.'

In other words, I'm definitely not the first guy to try out the latest technology.

I'm not the even remotely close to being the first with the latest gizmo or gadget.

I still don't have an iPod.

I've got no clue really how RSS Feeds work, but I'm smart enough to have them on my site.

And that's the key.

As a fitness entrepreneuer you don't need to know everything, but you do need to be aware of the technology available to you and whether or not you should be taking advantage of it.

As a true entrepreneur you can delegate this responsibility to someone else.

Don't have the money to hire someone for that?

I'm not a gambling man, but I'll bet there's a high school kid somewhere in your town who would glady take $10/hr to explain to you how your business could be taking advantage of the latest technological advances.

Or perhaps one of your clients is a tech wiz and would be happy to barter with you?

Or you could have a virtual assistant do the research for you. You do realize you can hire them just "by the project", right?

The points I'm making:

1- You can very easily take advantage of the technology available to make your business grow and run more efficiently while still remaining a complete mystery to you. I'm living proof. ;-)

2- As an entrepreneur it's not your responsibility to know everything about everything. It's your job to have vision and steer the ship.
Delegate the details.

One of my customers, Rick Karboviak, has a really cool ebook out that allows you to take advantage of GPS technology to improve the performance of long-distance runners. It's packed with real-world applications for trainers, coaches and, of course, runners.


Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Rick isn't a master at sales copy. But he's an extremely passionate coach and his info is rock-solid and cutting-edge. If you run for distance, or your clients do, be sure to grab Rick's ebook. It even comes with a 30 minute consultation so you can get the most out of it!


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