Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Multiple Markets

I've got to admit, I'm a bit beat today. Been on the phone most of it. Lots of thinking...much left to do...

But I wanted to write a quick blog post while I was thinking about this.

If you market to multiple populations then do business as multiple companies.

In other words, if you train women over 35 who want to lose weight, but you also train high school athletes set up two of everything so you dont mix your messages.

- Two different company names
- Two different 30 second commercials
- Two different websites

You get the point.

But you don't necessarily have to have a second facility. You can run a business within a business.

You just want to make sure you don't confuse the marketplace and be all things to all people.

The reason I write this is because I see trainers doing it all the time. It's not exact, but the best example I can show you of why it makes sense to do this comes from the auto industry.

When Honda decided to sell luxury cars they created a new brand to do so - Acura. Toyota created Lexus and Nissan created Infiniti.

Two different market segments. Same product. Two profitbale brands.

Make sense?

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