Tuesday, December 19, 2006

How to make the most of 2007

How to make the most of 2007

I'm expecting very big things from 2007.

VERY big things.

You should, too.

So to make the most of 2007 I'm going to take some time off during the holidays and get super serious about what I want to attract into my life during the next 12 months.

I've heard from many of my subscribers that they've watched the movie The Secret. I've heard from many about their longtime or newfound fascination with the Law of Attraction.

Well, if you believe in the Law of Attraction like I do, you know how important it is to know exactly what it is you want.

How much loot you're pulling in.

How many vacations you want to take.

What kind of car you want to be driving.

The kind of clients you want to be working with.

The number of hours you want to spend on your business.

The more detailed you are about what you want the faster you manifest it.

That's why I'm going to take some time the week after Xmas and put superstar UK trainer Dax Moy's http://www.yourmagic100.com to full use.

When you read about all the things Dax accomplished in just 100 days you can't help but be astonished.

I'm making 2007 my best year ever. If you plan on doing the same check out Dax's ridiculously under-priced http://www.yourmagic100.com program.

But don't just pay this lip-service. Don't just order it and then forget about it.

Chances are you're going to be slow next week. Chances are you have a good amount of down time before the January rush.

Make the most of it.

Plan your future exactly as you want it.

And help your clients plan theirs too. The Magic 100 is perfect for them too.

Dreams do come true. If you don't believe that, well, you're probably reading the wrong newsletter.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- For about $58 US you can turn the first 100 days of 2007 into the best of your life. And if there is one man I would never hesitate to endorse it's Dax. We met at the Ryan Lee Boot Camp this fall and I can tell you - he's the real deal.


PPS- You can be, do or have anything you want. If nothing else, promise me 2007 will be the year you dream bigger dreams.


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