Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Why do we try so hard?

Why do we try so hard?

I had a client a couple years ago who told me the story of one of her co-workers.

He was in the neighborhood of three hundred pounds. And while he still had quite a ways to go, he had lost 50 pounds in just a couple months.


He only ate one Big-Mac at lunch every day instead of two.

Now as a fitness professional you may be rolling your eyes.

Obviously this guy wasn't the picture of health. To my knowledge he still hadn't started to exercise. And I don't know about his long-term success.

But I do know this:

1- Being negative towards his approach doesn't help matters at all.

2- There are a lot of people who simply hate to exercise. And no matter how much we tout its benefits a lot of people don't give a rat's you know what.

3- People can improve their overall health by doing something as ridiculous as eating one Big-Mac a day instead of two.

4- A lot of people would rather improve their health by doing just about anything than exercise. Meaning, they'd rather change what they eat than do anything that requires them to sweat.

So why do we fight such an uphill battle ALL THE TIME?

Just think about this:

What if you ran a Registered Dietitian created Weight Management program that allowed you to get in front of a market you wouldn't otherwise?

And what if some of the people in your Weight Management program made some permanent lifestyle changes, but never really got into exercise and fitness?

But what if the rest of the class did? What if you were able to inspire an entire group of people, who wanted nothing to do with exercise at first, to actually exercise?

What if the entire fitness industry approached the obesity epidemic in an entirely different fashion?

What if we actually got people in the door anyway we can and then slowly but surely inspire them to do the right things?

What if we stopped beating our heads against a wall and opened our eyes?

What if I loved ya?

Come on, you know the answer to that! ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- When you enroll in Prograde Nutrition you receive an entire Weight Management program - created by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter - you can put to use immediately.

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