Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm not coming back

Next Tuesday, April 17th at 8PM EST, Ryan Lee and I will be unveiling the project we've been working on since October of 2005. Reserve your spot RIGHT NOW to be certain you're one of the 1000 to witness history.

I've written in the past about how terrific my massage therapist is. She really is great.

But amazingly enough, I found someone even better!

And that makes for an uncomfortable situation.

How do I tell the former therapist I'm not coming back?

Well, instead of doing what many people would do and just never call her, or return her calls, I am happy to say I took the moral highground and let her know I was going in a different direction.

It was very uncomfortable to do, but she took it well. Honesty is typically very much appreciated. And in this case it was.

How does this apply to you? Here's how:

- If you expect people to be upfront and honest with you, and that includes your clients and customers, you must be that way with others.

ESPECIALLY, with people you buy things from!

- You may very well run into a prospective client who would like to train with you instead of their current trainer.

If that is the case, one of the things you will need to discuss with them is how they plan on firing their current trainer.

Yes, if you want that person as YOUR new client you need to find that out.

Otherwise, they very well may never leave their current trainer who isn't doing a very good job for them, but they've become emotionally attached to.

Hey, this isn't about poaching business from a fellow fitness pro. It's business.

If you, me or anyone else isn't getting the job done...well, you can kiss that money goodbye. It's the nature of the beast.

Anyway, I highly suggest you discuss such things during your prospecting mode. If you get the feeling this person would LIKE TO switch, but never actually would, then leave it alone.

Some will, some won't, so what? Who's next?!
Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,
Jim Labadie

PS- Discover how to sell with integrity.

'A lot of people assume that my professional honors make it easier for me to charge higher fees than other trainers.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

I've worked in sales most of my adult life. I've gone through Dale Carnegie Sales Training (twice), read literally dozens of books, listened to weeks worth of cassettes, and even studied NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), but Jim teaches unique, practical and powerfully effective techniques that I had never heard before.

I've just started, but I am supremely confident that the skills Jim taught me in the 'Ultimate Sales Kit' will finally allow me to charge rates commensurate with my experience, expertise and honors - without pain on my part asking for the money nor pain on the client's part paying the money.

Jim helps you earn what you're truly worth.'

Stephen Holt, BSE, CSCS, PES
2003 ACE Personal Trainer of the Year

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