Monday, November 19, 2007

Case Study: Awesome Abs Success

I've written it many, many times in the past:

Life is easy when you let it be.

Trainer's Inner Circle member Maki Riddington recently emailed me the below. There is much to learn from it.


Although I have not yet purchased your product I have read and apply some of what you share via your weekly and sometimes daily emails.

One of these nuggets that stuck with me was the power of creating a relationship with my clients by creating back end

You drove home the point of getting people's email addresses because they are worth m.oney. Maybe not in the present but quite possibly in the future.

I decided to run a group training called "Maki Fit" I piggy backed off the concept of Cross Fit but added my name in instead. I am a follower of this method so I figured it would be a nice niche to market in my area.

I used the email list I currently had (right now it only sits at 138 people who are past and current clients) and sent out an email blast to them.

This was the beginning of Maki Fit. It went from two classes of 5 people per class in July to six classes as of now with some groups of 7 or 8 people.

I plan on increasing this class to market and brand my name as a trainer out there in my area. Each month I send out an email to my list marking the dates available and then people sign up.

The feedback has been nothing short of amazing. I even had my "Awesome Abs" class fill up in one week (12 spots) with another 9 people on the waiting list.

I have people in my boot camp who also attend the group sessions and train with me and are in my Awesome Abs class as well. It's crazy!

I was telling my wife the other night that a simple email has changed how I operate my business now. It's taken me from making $1000 a month to over $2000 a month in just 3 months.

And that's just group training. I still have boot camp classes, one on one clients and supplements I sell as well.


Maki Riddington
Maki Performance Training

My thoughts:

1- He calls his class "Awesome Abs" which is 100% brilliant.

2- He runs camps which allows him to leverage his time and work ON his business.

3- He stays in touch with his list and is building a great relationship with it.

4- His list isn't huge - yet - but they are responsive and that is what matters most.

5- He doesn't sit around and contemplate thing forever, he takes ACTION!

6- He listens to me! ;-) And puts my advice to use. Why? Because it works!!

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Thought you might like to see something Maki sent me a little while ago, too:

"I have purchased a number of your products and I can say with all honesty that they work! In just two years I went from a $40,000 a year trainer to a Six Figure Trainer!"

Maki Riddington
Maki Performance Training

PPS- Want to know how the right way to market with emails?

PPPS- What to know how to start your own profitable boot camps?

PPPPS- Already run boot camps and want to take them to the next level?

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