Monday, November 19, 2007

The Velvet Rope: Is It Just A Bunch Of Hype?

You can choose how you want to live your life and grow your business.

People who really want results are out there.

When I tell you that turning prospects away at the door is one of the best things you can do for your business, I tell you the truth.

It's not hype.It's not hooey.

See for yourself:

"When Jim Labadie first taught me about the Velvet Rope I was hooked instantly because I KNEW it would allow me to train exactly who I wanted to work with.

I had a waiting list of people to train with me when I didn't even own a gym, all my training was in a small dungeon like garage or outdoors at playgrounds. Everyone thought it couldn't work, but it did, and it worked BIG time.

This past summer I opened my gym, and, did the biggest mistake one can ever make, and that is to see what other facilities are doing as well as listening to family and friends. Dan Kennedy will say the same exact thing.

So, I loosened up my Velvet Rope principle because I wanted to pack in clients. BIG mistake!

I began working with clients that were half way committed, they showed up half the time and then disappeared.

I also went through a dry season, where I wasn't getting any new clients at all. The law of attraction worked against me until I went back to doing what worked.

I started putting up the Velvet Rope, I began turning down clients who seemed less than 100% commited or whose parents were the type that seemed to interfere with everything I did.

In the past month my gym has boomed with new clients and we're busier than ever before.

Most importantly, I am back to working with the clients I WANT to work with.

If you're not using the Velvet Rope, it is highly likely you have clients who are half assed and they are probably NOT the type of client you REALLY want to work with.

Zach Even-Esh
Edison, NJ

You are ALWAYS at choice. Every moment of every day you can choose how you want to live your life.

You can choose how you want to grow your business.

So what are you going to choose?

Hope you're having a great weeekend and not working with a bunch of clients you can't stand.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- How much time do you spend working with clients you can't stand?

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