Monday, October 22, 2007

7 Time Wasters Exposed

This is interesting. If you work with young athletes - or just have young children, be sure to check this out:


Seven Time Wasters Exposed

How do you measure up to this list?

1) One-on-One Training

Your professional colleagues are substantially out earning you because they are either running camps or training people in semi-private groups.

And just as importantly, more people are getting fit. It's less expensive for them and the social support component is a critical factor in their results.

2) Book Keeping and Accounting

Yes, both are critical to your business. But you shouldn't be spending your time counting pennies.

Yes, you need to be financially literate. But you should be focusing on growing your business. Not spending hours trying to figure out QuickBooks.

3) Trying to be Perfect

If everything you do needs to be perfect you're in for a lot of trouble as an entrepreneur.

Trying to create the perfect website, product, article, newsletter or whatever is an amazing form of self-sabotage.

Nothing will cripple your success like perfectionism.

4) Online Forums

This is a newsletter unto itself. But whether the forum you visit often is a positive or negative influence, far too many trainers spend their times online talking about nonsense.

I've been guilty of this myself.

5) Decision Making

If you want to be in business for yourself you'd better be able to make decisions quickly. Hemming and hawing doesn't get the job done.

Additionally, asking your friends and family who have ZERO clue about what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur could be about the dumbest thing you could do.

But don't worry, when I first started I was guilty of this too.

Create a board of advisors for your business of SUCCESSFUL entrepreneurs and seek council with them, and them alone.

6) Getting Yet Another Certification

I could write a book about how silly most personal trainers are. Being a great entrepreneur and being a great trainer are two different things.

If you haven't already, read the E-Myth by Michael Gerber and learn the difference between a business owner and a technician.

7) Checking Email Constantly

Again, guilty as charged. Set a time or two each day to check your email.

And for the whole story, read The Four Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss.


Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS - If you've been wanting to start your own boot camp then is what you're looking for.

PPS - If you already run camps and want to take them to the next level you want

PPPS - Please forward these Seven Time Wasters to any fitness pro you know it will help!

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