Friday, December 07, 2007

No Limits Life

The other night my girlfriend Carol and I were doing some online dreaming.

The game is very simple:

You've got all the moolah in the world, so you can afford anything - and I mean ANYTHING - you want.

There are no limits. You dream as big as you can.

So we were checking out some Maserati's, Mega-Yachts, Private Jets...all sorts of stuff.

When we started she said, "I really like that car, but it's too expensive."

I quickly reminded her, "When you dream, you dream as BIG as you can."

Believe me, from there on out she had no problem spending loot!

There's something else I really want to emphasize:

It's not the "stuff" that matters, it's who you're with.


Imagine driving down the California Coast with the love of your life in a Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet...

Imagine taking your entire family - and I mean EXTENDED family, too - on a dream vacation.

Imagine renting a Mega-Yacht for a week long cruise in the Mediterranean, so you can have a blast with friends from college and their significant others.

Imagine anything you want. Dream anything you want. Anything that excites you.

I've been a dreamer all my life. But I've also taken action, too.

Dream big dreams. Then move in the direction of those dreams.

You'll be amazed at what happens.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Here are some sites to get you stared:

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