Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Questions Are SOOO Powerful

Everybody talks to themselves.

I know I do.

I know you do.

Words are VERY powerful. That's why it's important to always be mindful of your self-talk.

And after reading an email from Joe Vitale about "afformations" I changed the way I affirm things.

Yes, you read that right. AffOrmations.

As an example, one of my favorite affirmations in the past has been, "muney is attracted to me like a magnet!"

Now I say it as, "Why is muney attraced to me like a magnet?"


"How did I become a multi-milliunaire so fast?"

The difference?

If you pose it as a question, instead of a statement, your sub-concious mind MUST search for the answer.

Simple, but powerful.

I'm confident you can come up with some pretty good ones for yourself and your clients.

And even better question?

How did Samantha Taylor of Tampa, FL beat her monthly personal training sales record at her studio by $15,000?

She uses the Ultimate Sales Kit for Fitness Professionals from

That's how.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- What kind of questions did Chris McCombs ask?


Wow! You're Ultimate Sales Kit is the real deal. I listen to it over and over in my car and on my ipod when I do cardio.

Instead of trying to talk people into purchasing my services like a lot of trainers do I have now pretty much become a master at getting the prospective client to explain to me exactly why they the think I should train them.

Closing the sale is now just a natural conclusion to the process. I now know how and when to ask all the right questions to get the prospect on an emotional roller coaster to the point where they are practically begging to train with me.

I have implemeted your wisdom and principles from the Sales Kit and the Velvet Rope dvd and am happy to say I am getting damn close to my goal of making $3000 a week for only working 3 full days and 2 half days a week.

Considering the average trainer only makes like 30 grand a year I know your products are definitely an important spoke on the wheel of what I'm doing right to be a successful fitness professional at the top of my game.

Jim, you friggin' rock!!!"

Chris McCombs
Orange County, CA

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