Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What I Remembered At The Tire Shop

Last week I was in CT speaking at a Fitness Together event about

On my drive home from the West Palm airport I got a flat tire on I-95 during rush hour.

Not a lot of fun. And if you've ever driven on 95 around the West Palm area you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Anyway, I went to a local tire shop near my home because I had to replace the tire.

While I was there the manager asked me, "Where do you take your car for regular maintenance?"

"The Mercedes dealership 30 minutes away", I told him. "And in fact, I have to take it in for it's 24,000 mile service in just a couple days."

I'll make a long story short:

This Saturday I'll be taking my car to HIS business to have the routine service done.

It's going to save me time and moolah.

It's obvious what it does for his business.

And all because he asked.

So what are you NOT asking your clients?

Of course a simple example could be:

"What brand of post-workout shake do you use and where do you get it?"

The guy at the tire shop turned what I thought was going to be a one-time transaction into a lifetime customer with ome simple question.

What would happen to your profits if you asked every single client you have the post-workout shake question?

And if you work with a company like that features an autoship and a 30% commission...

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Learn how to ask the right questions.

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