Saturday, December 08, 2007

Public Speaking for Fitness Professionals

Public Speaking for Fitness Professionals

Public speaking is not only a great way to prospect for new clients and/or boot campers ; it also builds your credibility as an expert.

I'm often asked by Fitness Professionals how they should go about getting booked for talks.

When I tell them to pick up the phone and call people - just like I do in my course -they nearly pass out at the very thought of having to make a "cold call."

So when they come back to their senses I gently explain most of these groups meet weekly and they need a speaker at each meeting.

That means they need someone willing to come in and speak for free in a bad way! Believe me; they are dying to hear from you.

And they are super easy to find as well.

If you belong to a networking group of some sort I can almost guarantee you they'd love to have you speak.

Ask people such as your clients what groups they belong to and whether or not they have speakers.

All sorts of religious organizations have meetings with speakers.

Search the internet.

It's simple!

When you call them just ask for the person who books speakers. They'll gladly tell you who it is and how to get in touch with them.

What do you say when you get them on the phone?

"Hi, I understand you're looking for speakers for your meetings. Is that correct?"

I'm confident you can handle it.

They'll then ask you what you talk about. I think every single time I've ever told someone my talk is on fitness they'll all responded with the same answer:

"We could all use that!"

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- Do you have any idea how much moolah you can make in 2008 with Boot Camps and Public Speaking combined?

PPS- Do you realize that Public Speaking to groups shouldn't cost you more than a couple of gallons of gas to get to the event and can fill a boot camp in less than an hour?

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