Friday, January 18, 2008

Boot Camp Helps Man Lose 120 Pounds

Boot Camp Helps Man Lose 120 Pounds

What have I been telling you?

They are RED-HOT.

They are SMOKIN' the competition.

They are CHANGING lives.

Now even is covering boot camps.

Trainers LOVE them.

Clients LOVE them.

The media LOVES them.

What about you?

Two more things:

1- Obviously, the media LOVES success stories, too. They care more about those than your camps because their viewers, readers and listeners can relate to them.

And THAT is what is important to them.

2- Your prospects LOVE success stories. So are you sharing them on your website? In your newsletters?

I'm not talking mere testimonials. I'm talking about full-blown success stories that bring a tear to the eye.

They are important because your prospeect wants to know people they can relate to are in your camp.

THAT is what is important to them.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Jim "The Liberator" Labadie

PS- What to know how to start your own profitable boot camps?

PPS- Already run boot camps and want to take them to the next level?

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