Thursday, January 17, 2008

Change Your Entire Life In 15 Minutes

Change Your Entire Life In 15 Minutes

My girlfriend Carol is a psychotherapist. She has her own practice here in South Florida. Actually, we met because she works in the same executive suite complex that Ryan Lee and I do.

Lately we've been working on getting a blog set up for her, so last night we started on her very first post.

After we ate dinner I told her, "Ok, it's time to create some content. Tonight we're writing your first blog post."

To which she replied, "Huh? I'm not ready to do that. I need to think about it."

You can guess how well that went over with me.

So I just kinda smiled and said, "Your blog is for single women looking for the perfect man. If there was only ONE piece of advice you could give a woman reading this blog, what would it be?"

She thought about it for 5 seconds and came up with her answer.

And that answer was her first blog post.

Within 15 minutes we had a list of about 20 more future blog posts.

Her life will never be the same. It has now been changed for the better FOREVER.

And it took 15 minutes.

You only need do what Carol did. Get started.

Who loves ya? ;-)

Yours in prosperity,

Jim Labadie

PS- My friend and customer Dave Whitley is living the dream because he TAKES ACTION.


I want to thank you for all that you have done in helping me move toward living the dream. The house, the boost in income doing what I love, the Sr. RKC promotion, all that has been affected by what you have taught me and my improving abiltiy to visualize and attract.

Thanks so much and I am looking forward to growth for all of us!"

David Whitley, Sr. RKC

PPS- I've got all sorts of ways to help you move closer to YOUR dreams. Check 'em out at

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